On 2005-Nov-5 —
So the ailment that affected my computer didn't last long. I'm still not entirely certain what caused it, but it seems that temporarily turning on the driver verifier did the trick - possibly because it slowed down the computer to a horrible crawl while it was on. Thankfully, things seem to be back to normal now. Thanks again to Flames Delvar for the suggestion of going to The Elder Geek's website.
Yesterday, I got bored and decided to play around with my sound editor. I popped in a song, cut it off at about 30 seconds (approximately right before the singing starts ;P), then started experimenting with it. I ended up cutting it down to 17 seconds, but it loops cleanly. The odd loop was then popped into a Flash file, to see what others had to say about it.
I've been a little too addicted to UT 2004 lately. It wouldn't be so bad if I could find more people I knew who want to play it, but just about every time I ask someone to play, they're busy, not in the mood, or otherwise won't play. Ah well.
I've been reading more Piers Anthony books lately. I thought I'd mentioned it, but apparently my last post was at the beginning of this month... guess I kept wanting to say something and never did. I finally borrowed the last book of the Adept series - Yes, it made it out - and read it. Pretty good, but at the end of the story, I could tell why it wouldn't be continued. He really screwed with that planet... I decided I wanted to read more of his books, though, especially since I had finished The Dastard, so I borrowed Currant Events, and Virtual Mode. One is of the Xanth series, and the other, the Mode series, which is supposed to be similar to the Adept series. I'll see how it is, soon.
I've been furiously trying to work on the shoutbox lately. I say furiously, because I can't concentrate on it. I was told I should probably have other projects to work on, but I'm not sure. I don't work much on this one as it is. I tried, instead, to work on the (X)HTML part of it, but that didn't help much; I found out that the Dojo Toolkit causes loading lag (Though I seemed to experience the most of it) no matter which way you use it; thus, I'm going to wait for it to mature before trying to use it... So much for fancy effects. At the same time, I still need to design the administration section anyway. I can't decide if I want to use cookies (*sigh*) or some form of dialog-based authentication (e.g. WWW-Authenticate or one of it's better "ancestors"). Meh... maybe I should roll it up into a beta version as soon as I can, and that way I'll get feedback. Or something.
I just used "lately" three times in a row on the opening sentences. My vocabulary is obviously not up to snuff.
Serendipity 0.9 was finally released. Naturally, I'm going to upgrade this blog to it, but I'm also going to try making a multi-blog host with it - should be an interesting experience. No ETAs on that, though. Also, I may swap phpBB for punBB, especially if it makes integration easier. I still want to integrate the users and groups of phpBB/punBB, gallery, and S9Y. Nobody seems to have done this, so far...
Oh. And I still need to redo the S9Y template so that it's XHTML valid (Assuming 0.9 doesn't fix that.).
I have no cash... I need job, me bum.
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